Below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sorted by topic
2. Shared Space
3. Personal Space & Working in the Building including conference rooms, wayfinding, security
4. Technology
5. Building Governance and Decision Making
6. Transportation & Working at Mission Bay
Where is the best place to get updates and information?
How are faculty concerns being addressed?
When will the building open?
Shared Space
What type of shared rooms will be in the building?
Is there a break room or kitchen area?
How will shared resources be managed and paid for?
Record and Information Management
Personal Space & Working in the Building
What size is my work station?
What size is a private office?
What type of storage will be available at my work space?
How will I know how to adjust my chair or my desk to the correct height?
Will I have a laptop?
Will I have a desk phone?
Will I receive a headset or headphones?
Will I be able to adjust the temperature at my workstation or office?
What if I already have an ergonomic chair or other ergonomic equipment?
How will I find my desk? What type of wayfinding can I expect?
What about security?
How will my visitors or guests find me?
How was the furniture selected for the building?
How is temperature controlled in the building?
What type of lighting can I expect?
What sorts of amenities will be in the building?
Please explain details about the lactation rooms in the building
What about WIFI?
How should my group deal with HIPAA concerns?
Are there conference rooms in this building?
Who will manage and schedule them?
Will training be provided for technology in conference rooms?
Will building occupants have priority access to conference rooms on their floors?
Who do I call if there is a spill in the conference room?
Who do I call if I need tech assistance for my meeting?
What type of equipment will Conference and Huddle rooms have in the WGVCV- Valley Tower (North)?
How will conference rooms be scheduled?
Building Governance & Decision Making
How will private offices and work stations be assigned?
Who is on the Building Programming Committee?
How are decisions about space being made? Where can I learn more?
How can building occupants build community?
What other groups are in the building?
Transportation & Working at Mission Bay
My commute will change when I move to Mission Bay. How can I plan ahead?
How can I get a parking permit that serves Mission Bay?
Will parking be available on-site?
Which UCSF shuttles service the area?
Where can I find the Giants home game schedule?
How long will construction impact the MB area?